Monday, March 17, 2014


The labor tree is owned at the point that you've managed your money and have made certain investments and now your money is making money. Maybe you have a 401K or a ROTH IRA,  or real estate investments, you get the idea, you are making money when your asleep or at the beach. Most people think that they don't have enough money for these types of  investments, but if you were to start, 1.Budgeting your money. 2. Stop using credit cards as loans instead of the tools that they are suppose to be, 3.Live within your means, 4. Learn how to control the Instant Gratification Syndrome. 5. Understand the difference between "need" and "wants". 6. Figure out your "WHY". 
All of these are important, but if you understand your "WHY", the what to do's, how to's, and sacrifices will all be easier to come up with and endure. How will you know if your "WHY" is the right reason and goal? These changes in your life will begin to be easy and bring self pride, you will feel good when you don't buy that bigger T.V. or the nicer furniture, because now you will realize you have now started to purchase your own LABOR TREE.   

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